Monday, May 18, 2009

Celebrate The Miracle

Of all that makes you YOU.
Count a blessing for each candle
Have your cake and eat it too!

Unwrap this day and savor it
And all the love that's there
Send a dream-wish straight to
Heaven on the wings of prayer

Remember what a blessing you are
Even after this day is gone.
You're a gem, a priceless treasure
Let yourself shine on!

BY: Unknown

Everything We Do

We may not always realize
that everything we do
Affects not only our lives
but touches others too.

A single happy smile
can always brighten up the day
For anyone who happens
to be passing by your way.

And a little bit of thoughtfulness
that shows someone you care
Creates a ray of sunshine
for both of you to share.

Yes, every time you offer
someone a helping hand,
Every time you show a friend
you understand.

Every time you have a kind
and gentle word to give,
You help someone to find beauty
in this precious life we live.

For happiness brings happiness
and loving ways bring love,
And giving is the treasure
that contentment is made of.


Before Action

By all the glories of the day,
And the cool evening’s benison:
By the last sunset touch that lay
Upon the hills when day was done:
By beauty lavishly outpoured,
And blessings carelessly received,
By all the days that I have lived,
Make me a soldier, Lord.

By all of all men’s hopes and fears,
And all the wonders poets sing,
The laughter of unclouded years,
And every sad and lovely thing:
By the romantic ages stored
With high endeavour that was his,
By all his mad catastrophes,
Make me a man, O Lord.

I, that on my familiar hill
Saw with uncomprehending eyes
A hundred of Thy sunsets spill
Their fresh and sanguine sacrifice,
Ere the sun swings his noonday sword
Must say good-bye to all of this:—
By all delights that I shall miss,
Help me to die, O Lord.

BY: William Noel Hodgson

Always Believe In Yourself

Get to know yourself -
what you can do
and what you cannot do -
for only you can make your
life happy

Believe that by working
learning and achieving
you can reach your goals
and be successful

Believe in your own creativity
as a means of expressing
your true feelings

Believe in appreciating life
Be sure to have fun every day
and to enjoy
the beauty in the world

Believe in love
Love your friends
your family
and your life

Believe in your dreams
and your dreams can become
a reality

BY: Susan Polis Schutz

May all your dreams come true

Lean against a tree
and dream your world of dreams
Work hard at what you like to
do and try to overcome all obstacles
Laugh at your mistakes
and praise yourself for learning from them
Pick some flowers
and appreciate the beauty of nature
Say hello to strangers
and enjoy the people you know
Don't be afraid to show your emotions
Laughing and crying make you feel better
Love your friends and family with your entire being
They are the most important part of your life
Feel the calmness on a quiet sunny day
and plan what you want to accomplish in life
Find a rainbow
and live your world of dreams

BY: Susan Polis Schutz

To Get What You Want Out of Life

It takes believing in your dreams and in what you know to be true.
Surviving disappointments and the times when you're truly alone.

Awakening to see what you have made it through the difficult times
with only yourself to depend on.

It takes facing the truth that only you can shape your destiny.

Realizing that the footsteps you take today are the ones that will lead you into tomorrow,
and they must be guided by an unswerving faith in yourself.

Understanding that the failures, setbacks and hurts life often gives us all only serve as steppingstones to true happiness -

and if you follow the trail instead or turning back,
only then you will recognize your strengths and be able
to view life from the summit.

BY: Debra McCleary

Be Strong and Dont' Give Up

Remember...there is a deeper strength and an amazing abundance of peace available to you.
Draw from this well; call on your faith to uphold you.

Life continues around us, even when our troubles seem to stop time.
There is always good in life.

Take a few minutes to distract yourself from your concerns -- long enough to draw strength from a tree or to find pleasure in a bird's song.

Return a smile; realize that life is a series of levels, cycles of ups and downs -- some easy, some challenging.

Through it all, we learn; we grow strong in faith; we mature in understanding.

The difficult times are often the best teachers, and there is good to be found in all situations. Reach for the good. Be strong, and don't give up.

By: Pamela Owens Renfro

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Never Let Go of the Dreams in Your Heart

Sometimes it seems that our dreams crumble in our hands.
We think that we have failed
And all that we tried are so hard to attain.
Will now always stay slightly out of reach.

But one failure cannot crumble the dreams
That years of hard work And dedication have built.
So hold on to your dreams.

Believe in yourself,
And you will find that a bright tomorrow
Waits just around the next turn.

You will make it.
You will be successful.
And your dream will come true...

Just keep believing!!!

By: Jennifer Eller

Make the most of every Day and Celebrate All That You Are

Live by your own light.
Shine by your own star.
Do what you always wanted to do with your life.
Envision the gift that you are.

Climb up the hills of your hopes and dreams.
Take whatever steps you need to take.
You can't get to the top if you don't try,
and it's a journey you should definitely make.

Try to find more time in your life,
Do it just for you.
The people you love and care about will be rewarded with your happiness, too.
When the calendar is far too full,
Keep the days from flying by.

Remember your youth when time took forever.
Rediscover that child inside.
Send part of every day just doing something you'd like to do.
Today will never come again, and yesterday if through.

The secret (If you'd like to know) to finding happiness is knowing that
it's all around and that your life is blessed.
By being in this moment and living a day at a time
You have access to every gift that will make your sunlight shine.

Brighten your world with friendships and love and wishes on a star.
Make the most of everyday and celebrate all that you are.

By: Douglas Pagels

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Path to a Dream

The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices
and lined with determination.

And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way
and may go in more than one direction, it is marked with faith.

It is traveled by belief and courage, persistence and hard work.
It is conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances,
to fail and try and try again.

Along the way, you may have to confront doubts, setbacks, and unfairness.

But then when the path comes to an end,
you will find that there is no greater joy than making your dream come true.

By: Barbara Cage

Just Be Yourself

To be who you are is to be enough.
To share who you are is to share enough.
To do what you love is to do enough.

There is no race to win and nothing to be proven,
only dreams to be nurtured, a self to be expressed,
and love to be shared.

Never doubt your worth, and always know,
without any doubt, that you are truly valued.

By: Donna Newman

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Never Let Go of Hope

One day you will see that it all has finally come together.
What you have always wished for has finally come to be.
You will look back and laugh at was has passed
and you will ask yourself,

"How did I get through all of that?"

Just never let go of hope.
Just never quit dreaming.
And never let love depart from your life.

By: Jancarl Campi

The Secret to Life Is Living It One Day at a Time

Our lives are made up of a million moments,
spent in a million different ways.

Some are spent searching for love, peace, and harmony.
Others are spent surviving day to day.

But there is no greater moment than when we find that life,
with all its joys and sorrows, is meant to live one day at a time.

It's in this knowledge that we discover the most wonderful truth of all.
Whether we live in a forty-room mansion,
surrounded by servants and wealth,

or find it a struggle to manage the rent month to month,
we have it within our power to be fully satisfied and live a life with true meaning.

One day at a time - we have that ability,
through cherishing each moment and rejoicing in each dream.

We can experience each day anew, and with this fresh start
we have what it takes to make all of our dreams come true.

Each day is new, and living one day at a time enables us
to truly enjoy life and live it to the fullest.

By: Regina Hill

It's Up to you

This life is the only one you're given.

Look for opportunities to grow,
and never be discouraged in your efforts to do so.

Replace your weaknesses with positives;
take life's broken pieces and re-create your dreams.

Never measure the future by the past;
let yesterday become a memory and tomorrow a promise.

Begin each day by focusing on all that is good,
and you'll be in a position to handle whatever comes along.

Take responsibility for your actions;
never make excuses for not being the best you can be.

If you should slip, be comforted by thought that we do at times.

Determine your tomorrow by the choices you make today,
and you'll find yourself living in joy and triumph.

By: Linda E. Knight

Monday, May 11, 2009

Create your own world

Every day has its own rewards and its own unique challenges.

None of us has the same exact worries or responsibilities,
because life is shaped around each of us as individuals.

It's important to remember that we all create our own worlds.
Who we are and the way we act are how we control our lives.

These are endless opportunities for us to change and rearrange
the day-to-day moments we are given.

It's up to each of us to decide which way we want to go;
how far or how fast we go in life are the choices
we all must make for ourselves.

By: Dens Dilaconi

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just do it...

Let nothing hold you from exploring your wildest fantasies,
wishes, and aspirations.

Don't be afraid to dream big and to follow your dreams

wherever they may lead you.

Open your eyes to their beauty;
open your mind to their magic;
open your heart to their possibilities.

Only by dreaming will you ever discover who you are,
what you want, and what you can do.

Don't be afraid to take risks,
to become involved, to make a commitment.

Do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true.

Always believe in miracles, and always believe in you!

By: Julie Anne Ford

Believe in Miracles

Love your life.
Believe in your own power, your own potential,
and your own innate goddess.

Every morning, wake with the awe of just being alive.
Each day, discover the magnificent, awesome beauty in the world.

Explore and embrace life in yourself

and in everyone you see each day.
Reach within to find your own specialness.

Amaze yourself, and rouse those around you
to the potential of each new day.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect;
this is the essence of your humanity.

Let those who love you help you.

Trust enough to be able to take.

Look with hope to the horizon of today,

for today is all we truly have.
Live this day well.

Let a little sunshine out as well as in.

Create your own rainbows.

Be open to all your possibilities;

possibilities can be miracles.

Always believe in miracles!

By: Vickie M. Worsham

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Power of Change is in your hands

Life is a set of circumstances that you can change, improve, and make better day by day.
It's your decision; it's in your hands.

Just like the potter at the wheel, you are the force that turns and moves the clay into a thing of beauty.

Like the painter's brush depicting something fresh and new picturesque, you can create the scenery that's best for you.

Each person has the power to take control of every circumstance in life - to change, improve, and make it better day by day.

Not one of us can say:

"I must accept whatever comes my way"

Because the way we choose to go through life is our decision.

The power of change is always in your hands.

By: Barbara J. Hall

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Twelve ways to keep smiling :D

- Hold on to your dreams and never let go.

- Show the rest of the world how wonderful you are!

- Give circumstances a chance, and give others the benefit of the doubt.

- Wish on a star that shines in your sky.

- Take on your problems one by one and work things out.

- Rely on all the strength that you have inside.

- Let loose of sparkle and spirit that you sometimes try to hide.

- Stay in touch with those who touch your life with love.

- Look on the bright side and don't let adversity keep you from winning.

- Be yourself, because you are filled with special qualities that have brought you this far, and that will always see you through.

- Keep your spirits up.

- Make your heart happy, and let it reflect on everything you do!

By: Douglas Pagels

You Deserve a Life of Happiness

You will get only what you seek, Choose your goals carefully.
Know what you like and what you do not like.

Be critical about what you can do well. Choose a career or lifestyle that interest you and work hard to make it success but also have fun in what you do.

Be honest with people and help them if you can, but don't depend on anyone to make life easy or happy for you (only you can do that for yourself).

Be strong and decisive but remain sensitive. Regard your family, and the idea of family as the basis for security, support and love.

Understand who you are and what you want in life, before sharing your life with someone.

When you are ready to enter a relationship make sure that the person is worthy of everything you are physically and mentally.

Strive to achieve your dreams. Find happiness in everything you do.

Love with your entire being, Love with an uninhibited soul.

Make a triumph of every aspect of your life...

By: Susan Polis Schutz

Monday, May 4, 2009

Your Life Holds Unlimited Potential

You have the ability to attain what you seek;
within you is every potential you can imagine.
Always aim higher than you believe you can reach.

So often, you'll discover that when your talents are set free
by your imagination, you can achieve any goal.

If people offer their help or wisdom as you go through life,
Accept it gratefully. You can learn much from those who have gone before you.

Never be afraid or hesitant to step off the accepted path and head in your own direction if your heart tells you that it's the right way for you.

Always believe that you will ultimately succeed at whatever you do, and never forget the value of persistence, discipline, and determination.

You are meant to be whatever you dream of becoming.

By: Edmund O'Neill

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Don't ever doubt yourself

You have so much to offer, so much to give,
and so much you deserve to receive in return.

Don't ever doubt that. Know yourself and all of your fine qualities.
Rejoice in all your marvelous strengths of mind and body.

Be glad for the virtues that are yours,
and pat yourself on the back for all

your many admirable achievements.

Keep positive. Concentrate on that which makes you happy,
And build yourself up.

Stay nimble of heart, happy of thought,
helathy of mind, and well in being.

By: Janet A. Sullivan